
“You have a unique gift to offer this world. Be true to yourself, be kind to yourself, read and learn about everything that interests you and keep away from people who bring you down. When you treat yourself kindly and respect the uniqueness of those around you, you will be giving this world an amazing gift… YOU!”

– Steve Maraboli.


Hi there! Its been a minute!…lol. Okay, I know! its been months…*covers face*. But, Hey, Im back *smiles*. I’ve missed doing this loads…so lets just go straight ahead and delve in.

Have you ever found yourself asking, Am i enough? Are there times you’ve felt inadequate? When fears and doubts gnaw at your soul, It just makes you feel like shrinking back from living the way God leads you to live. I personally have had my own share of those moments. Times when i see people around me with awesome qualities, talents, and they seem to be achieving great things…and i’m just like, ‘onyii. how far?’ lol. Trust me, its actually worse than that, In the past i’ve let such thoughts and feelings drag me into a state of self pity, envy, and so on.

So what if she has more money to spend than you, or has the dream job, what if she seems to be more talented. Oh wait, so what if they say she has the ‘perfect life’? Ha, Excuse you! who defines that anyway? lol

Stop comparing yourself to other people!

You were created as a very unique and special person. God had a plan for you long before you took your first breath. Wait…Just relish that thought…*smiles*

…Love the fact that you’re special. So you don’t have to feel bad that you don’t have all the qualities, features, money, or anything else that someone else has. Your journey is just that —yours.

We all were born with gifts and talents, Its your choice to build on it and perfect it. Greatness lies within you, dont be afraid to let that shine out, that is true beauty, the light that shines from within you. When you were created God looked at you and said…Ha! -She’s a Masterpiece!…so why should you think any less of you?

You were specially crafted with unique features, called to a unique purpose. God made no mistake about that. You are not like every other person. He named you ‘You’, different from every other.

Embrace the ‘You’ you are.

Seek to achieve great things, seek to be better, But most importantly, be who God intended you to be…BE-YOU-TIFUL!

Till later lovelies!

Stay priceless,

Kisses, Onyii!

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